Sunday, July 13, 2008

Misinterpretation of Wall E

I didn't want to talk about another movie but I was genuinely pissed-off, so here it is, my pseudo-review of Wall E.
First of all it may seem strange coming from my mouth but I have nothing bad to say about it. Personally I thought it was FUCKING AWESOME. The movie didn't have much speaking, but managed to transmit it's message very well. Let's face it, Wall E is a box with hands and binoculars on top, yet he manages to be so expressive. And as the movie goes on you get very attached to him.
This was Pixar's idea originally, at first Disney thought that the post-apocalyptic world was to grim.( I always knew they where a bunch of pansies.) I'm glad the movie got out anyway. So let me get to the point. There are certain people ( YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!) that say Wall E is the tale of an "elderly" gay robot. :| I think they where too busy stroking they're uncle's reproductive organs to actually find out what the movie was all about. Seriously if you think that a story about a male robot falling in love with a female robot is gay you should start drilling holes in your head because you are legally retarded. These morons consider that a movie that does not consist of a hulky low iq lead actor shooting his way through legions of flimsy retarded enemies, and throwing in some stupid punch-lines every 5 minutes or so is somehow beneath them and should be regarded as gay. It's their opinion and they should go throw themselves of a bridge have the wright to sustain it. And for the people who think that the movie should have touched more upon environmental issues GO HUG A F***ING TREE, you're really not getting the point of this film, it's all about the characters. So anyway if you're not a anti-social specimen with serious mental problems that needs to see a few severed limbs before he can have an erection, you are very likely to enjoy this movie.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Moon business

We live in a consumerist society. People buy and sell almost anything nowadays: food, drugs, land, drugs, cars, drugs, household items, drugs and so on. Although I have feelings of antipathy towards individuals who sell drugs and weapons, I can't help not feeling the need to beat the stupidity out of these pricks "Lunar real estate agents".
I guess that as long as there are people who buy
EA sports games copy-pasted from last year, 50 cent albums, and pizzas with slices of pineapple on it (gay!) there are also nitwits which are willing to buy land on the moon. At least guns and drugs have certain uses. You can use a gun to get money, which will be later used to buy drugs.... sorry, lost my train of thought. But some people will say: land on the moon has many uses like: erhhhh..... well....... Yeah, that's what I though. There are many sites on the web that offer their "services": lunarlandowner, lunarregistry, moonshop - moo being the sound made by the persons with bovine-like intellect that fall for this s**t. You can even send land on the moon to a friend as a gift from these sites. "An acre of moon......... how stupid thoughtful, where they all out of coffee mugs?" These "individuals" who purchase land on the moon try to deny their sheer stupidity with weak excuses such as this one: "Some day in the future this land will be useful." Personally I think it's similar to a caveman buying a PlayStation in hope that some day he will play on it. Has anyone asked themselves who owns the moon (NOBODY!!!) ? Who is selling land on the moon and what gives them the wright to do so? There are currently two treaties which discuss this issue: The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 and the Moon Treaty of 1984.
But since the Moon Treaty was never ratified, only the first treaty I mentioned is significant. It states that no government can claim ownership of any celestial body or resource. And if it states that only governments can't have ownership of the moon, then it's ok for for companies and individuals to have ownership of it. Each of these sites claims that it is the only one authorized to sell land on the moon and that the others are fake. You could say that they are suffering from the messiah complex or watched the Matrix too many times. I think that they are just retarded social rejects that couldn't get a job at Burger King or McDonald's so they tried making money this way. The treaty allows anyone to sell land on the moon... even you, yes YOU , will you sell me a piece of the moon? We can also trade Pokemon cards while we're at it.
In conclusion if you feel the need to get rid of money fast you might as well burn it, but if you want to show the world your stupid at the same time buy land on the moon.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Parody movies

I never really liked these kind of movies, but now it's almost personal. The turning point for me was the (sad) day when I watched Meet the spartans (which surprisingly sucked more balls than Epic movie). If you searched any review site on the web - it was official - the movie was a flaming pile of s**t. But the movie had huge ticket sales. How could this be? I realize that most people are so retarded or brainwashed that they can't distinguish a good movie from this abomination...... but surely people can't be so dumb....... I was mistaken. I saw the movie..... well a part of it. I couldn't watch it further than the first 30 minutes. The result was a resounding EHHHHHHH!!!!! I'm not mad because people are plain dumb (although it's rather infuriating) but the financial SUCKcess of this movie is going to convince the writers and the director that they are really good. Now I have nothing against them, but I see no reason for them to continue their (completely useless) existence any further. Now I do not approve killing anyone , especially "talented artists" such as these morons , but the average IQ of the planet would surely skyrocket. I tried to forget this movie, to act like it never happened ( it would have been better if the writers and director " never happened") but my hatred for parody movies was awakened by Superhero movie. First I thought that it was made by the same fuckers cheery bunch that made epic movie and meet the spartans, but to my surprise it was made by the guys that made Scary movie 3 and 4 (which I still consider the worst out of the bunch). Don't get the idea that the first two movies where good or anything, but Scary movie 3 and 4 and this sorry excuse for a film called Superhero movie are plain dreadful and insulting to any person with a 3 digit IQ . So I urge you to stop giving these would-be writers the idea that they actually have a brain in their skull.